In celebration and remembrance of the founding of our country


America 250 Activities

Please return to this page for announcements on dates and locations for these opportunities to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the founding of our great Nation!

  • Patriot Luminary Walk

  • Reading Corner & Crafts

  • Culvers

  • Rock Beech Grove (painted rocks)

  • Constitution Week

  • Colonial School Visits

  • Veterans Day Celebration

  • Find Your Patriot genealogy classes

  • Patriotic Coloring Contest

  • Book Club reception

  • Birthday Party in the park

Our Patriot Book

They were the Patriots of the American Revolution – men and women with the courage and commitment to found a new republic, one conceived upon liberty and dedicated to equality. As the United States prepares to commemorate its 250th anniversary,  NSDAR invites you to explore and celebrate the stories of our ancestors, the citizen-soldiers who made America, at their Honoring our Patriots commemorative website.


In 2020, DAR launched an important five-year effort called the “E Pluribus Unum Educational Initiative” to increase awareness of often underrepresented Revolutionary War Patriots, including those who were African American, Native American and female. Visit NSDAR’s E Pluribus Unum website to learn more about these Patriots, who have all too often been left out of the pages of history. 

The American Battlefield Trust is the nation’s leading heritage land preservation organization.  Visit to learn how they preserve America’s hallowed battlegrounds and educate the public about what happened there and why it matters.

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